A Brook Trout

Bright Creek (Bright's Creek, as it is formally known) and its tributaries are native brook trout fisheries. The three mile stretch of principal fishing water is a "free-stone stream" with 30 named pools flowing over a low gradient forest surround. The stream is heavily shaded and rarely discolored from heavy rain. Native brook trout abound throughout the stream, and the Club stocks 1000-2000 additional larger trout species each year. Introduced brown and rainbow trout reach sizes of 13-18 inches. Brown trout that remain in the stream year to year reproduce in the headwaters and grow to trophy proportions.

The Club Membership practices fly fishing only and encourages the release of brown and rainbow trout. BCPA assiduously controls the accidental introduction of stream injuring pests and fungi by insisting on single use boots and waders for members and club-supplied boots and waders for all guests.

A Bright Creek Fish